Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Sindh appeals to the nations of the world

 In the light of principles, objectives, and charters of the United Nations concerning the fundamental human rights, hereby, being a responsible political person of Sindhi nation, I whould like to inform you of some essential and fundamental facts regarding the current flood disaster and the attitude of the corrupt and downright theocratic Pakistani state towards my nation.
After the excavation of Moen-Jo-Daro ( the indusvellay civilization) it has become known to the world that sindhis laid down the foundation of civilization, the first city state in the world, and organized civil society, which promoted our philosophy of humanism, which inherent the universal ethical values of internal nature that it is still guiding the principles of our national life signifying our sufi bent of mind,tolerance, flexible nature, and universal brotherhood. With such nature of our social thought, we brought an end to the religious fundamentalism and extremism and implemented our humanitarian philosophy as the guiding principles and values of mankind. We existed as an independent nation with a magnanimous history of great civilization which has record of thousands of years. We enjoyed a distinguished national identity known tothe entire world on the basis of a vibrant economy, civilization advancement,and glorious traditions, culture, language, trade with the world. As for trade, we exported our finest malmal cloth to the Egyptian civilization ( also as coffen clothes for mummies in Egypt ) Sumerian civilization,Kabul, Africa, and central Asia, while as for our literary greatness our great national poet are still alive to the world in guiding it to the path of truth, they gave a message of kindness and evolution of the homogeneous global civilization.
Oh lord, shower the bounties on Sindh!
O sustainer, O friend let the entire world boom in prosperity! ( Bhittai )
It is because of such an organized and lasting influence of our great poets and philosophers on our political philosophy,political policies that we have been nurturing and preaching our message that along with Sindh the rest of the world should continue to prosper and evolve,whether it be Britain, American, Europe, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Australia,Israel, the Arab world, central Asia, or India, We wish and strive for peaceand prosperity in the world and reject the rule of terror in the world, wereject the despotic rule of theocratic and military regimes of roguish nature like Pakistan in the world and condemn their faucet, distorted and misleading religious interpretation and extremist thought, we also condemn their outright satanic and dualist approach at the historic process of the global evolution of civilization.
We are such a nation has never done injustice to any of the nation in theworld, we have never attacked any of the neighboring state, However, it isdeeply organizing the through fraud and cunning, Charles Napier of the 19 th century imperialist Britain occupied this land of love and peace. However, in 1947 the most obsolete, heinous, barbaric, brutal, cunning, and deceitful Two-nation theory (fascist ideology of Jinnah and mollana moududi which believes that Muslims are a nation) chained our nation in the notorious and artificial boundaries of Pakistan under the fundamentalist state, ruled by the extremist imperialist Punjab. This is how we have been transformed from the one slavery to the new and more barbaric chains. Ever since then, the two nation theory has proved to be mother of the draconian Talibanization and al-Qaida.
Ever since then , we have been living under economic, political, social, and cultural subjugation of Punjab. The national boundaries of our motherland have been seized from us. We have been totally deprived of our national and political policies and we are absolutely powerless in the matters of our democratic and political national will. This fascist Pakistan state and its terrorist and fundamentalist ISI have been poisoning our social and political life. The internationally notorious ISI is a fascist organization that has been responsible to no institution or constitution of the state and has been guilty of extra judicial political killingof Sindhi and Baloch nationalist worker and political activist. The record breaking crimes of the forced disappearance of Sindhi and Baloch nationalists are an other side of heinous crimes against humanity on the part of ISI.
It has penetrated into each and every institution of our nation such as schools, colleges,universities, skill centers, social welfare organizations, and NGOs and forces and dictates them according to its various policies of exploitation and corruption. The ISI has been preaching militant Islam in the world and spreading terrorist network in the very womb of the world. The rest of the world knows well that ISI has been providing to the Taliban the entire logistic support. It must be noted that ISI has been using the notorious and extremistLashkar- tayaba and its political instrument here in the region and the world. While ISI has created the most horrible and morbid psychological fear and terror in the institution of Sindh on the one hand. While on the other it has left them corrupt, stagnant, and inefficient in the matters of administration and public dealing. This has resulted in the worst humanitarian crises to which the nation has been thirsty, hungry, naked and diseased.
One of the flood stricken women visited by our workers whispered to her infant. This state is as empty of shame and pitty as my breasts from milk…… keep on crying oh my beloved baby as I am absolutely helpless to feed you. Our existence as a nation is at the very brink of extinction because of such an involvement in and hijacking of the institution. Taking a serious notice of such horrible and barbaric enchainment of Sindhi nation. Saen G.M Sayyad expounded the philosophy of freedom of sindhudesh,the motherland of Sindhi nation, and the ideology of the universal evolution and progress of mankind in the world and beyond.
Let me tell you that our party, Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz has been struggling on the G.M.Sayyad’s political theory of universal ideology.Saen G.M Sayyad demanded independence of Sindh from the unnatural fascist state of Pakistan in 1971 when the cruel Panjabi army began a holocaust in east Pakistan( Now Bangladesh) killing more then three million people. The Panjabi army broke the world record of mass rape leaving half a million Bengali women pregnant. Punjab has occupied us and has been exploiting at the devastating rate our national natural sources such as oil, gas, coal, ocean, agriculture resources. It has monopolized jobs in Sindh and it has been the accomplice with the obsolete feudal class which has been traitors and has nothing to do with the idea of preserving our national resources and safeguarding interests.
The feudal class of Sindh has not only usually been maintaining their callous and malignant silence but it has also been direct accomplices with Punjab to assist it in our whole sale exploitation just for their demoniac thirst of power. The feudal class keeps on wreaking havoc with the national interests of Sindh which has been doubling and redoubling the natural and artificially-brought-about disaster. For continues 63 years Pakistan alias Punjab establishment and its draconian ways towards Sindh have themselves provide to be a plague for our nation. Striving for their obsolete vested interests and feeless power, the waderas and the landlords of Sindh have provided to be the staunch and lasting allies of the exploiting imperialist Punjab and they have been giving a callous and cold shoulder to the national rights,duties and interests of Sindh.
I am sure you might have observed while visiting the situation here in Sindh that the waderas and landlords in their inhuman pursuit of preserving their crops worth a few shilling while the rouge Panjabi army and ISI with the made pursuit of safe guarding the Pano Aaqil cantonment of Panjabi army, have broken the western protective embankment of the canals and the river Indus in Sindh which has culminated in a worst humanitarian crises plaguing millions of our people. Their property has been buried, their villages raised and destroyed, and their communication cut- off while they have been left in the lurch by the state so as to beg for international funding and donation only meant to be swallowed by the state and its accomplice.
There seems to be, as it is crystal clear, this barbaric state and its draconian allies here in the state have left no way of survival to the people of sindh. The waderas have left no cruelty unpracticed against people of Sindh. However , let me tell you that Pano Aaqil cantonment in Sindh is Asia’s largest cantonment area of foreign rule functioning as the instrument of terror against the neighboring countries and exercising a simultaneous roguery against nationalist movement in Sindh and Balochistan.
Dear sir, as you that we are absolutely helpless and powerless in this state and our national institution are determined by the bonapatist Punjabi mentality, we are in no position to have access to the real tragic drama of the disaster, therefore, hereby, you are appealed to observe the situation very closely and take a bird’s eye view of the matter.
As you are present in the hub of the crises, you could make the true statement of the rate of destruction and crises which has been unleashed by nature and the state machinery as u have been visiting the sites with your own eyes. You have in touch with the state controlled electronic and print media and you could see how they undermine and notoriously underestimated the rate of destruction which has occurred in Sindh!
How callously they segregate the Sindhi nation! How they give the wrong false facts and figures of the destruction amidst your kind and caring presence! And how they notoriously exaggerate the situation in Punjab and pakhtoonkhawa! In such a deed of shame the state and its feudal allies are the culprits ofthe same and equal proportions. The waderas present a wrong picture of the situation in order to mislead the Sindhi nation for the reason that they will have to come to the Sindhi nation for begging for votes and if they (waderas)do not conceal the truth, the people of Sindh will not vote them.
The state tells crimson lies only to beg international donation so as to swallow a lion s share of the donation in some or other way. They are busy trying their best of conceal their maladministration, flippancy, shameless corruptions through a distorted and misleading propaganda which also focus on diverting the eyes of the world from Sindhi to Punjabi and pakhtoonkhawa. This is also meant to save themselves from condemnation bythe world.
Amidst such an agonizing situation, the Sindhi nationalist and national representatives, hereby, appeal the world the UNO,USA, European union, the world bank , the donar agencies, human rights organizations,United State of America, the united state human rights commission, Britain, Germany,Italy,France, Spain, Israel, India, Russia, Japan, Australia, Singapore, and all the rest humanist writers, poets, intellectuals, lawyers, and international court of justice are also appealed through this letter to take the real notice of the situation at this heart rending hours that has rocked this already bleeding nation out of the Panjabi barbarism.
I appeal the above mentioned humanist nations and the kind and generous donor agencies to help and aid the Sindhi nation through their personal administrative machinery because in this state (Pakistan)the armed forces and the notorious ISI will leave no way untried in hampering,swallowing up or hijacking the flow of the international aid to the people of Sindh.
There is no doubt that the indirect international aid desires to be disberssed in Sindhi thought the state administration is surely to go direct in the account of criminal state machinery of the Panjab ination. We are ready to volunteer our selves in guiding you for the true and real flow of your selfless welfare and generous aid to the Sindhi nation. I mustalso remind you that in the near past Sindhi came under the surge of oceanic storms but the same state, noted for its global notoriety, left the people of Sindh un helped and un aided and swallowed up the international aid through is vampire channels. That is why, this time, too, they will leave the Sindhi people un aided and leave them un cared on the crossroad of life and death.
Our nation’s health and infrastructure has been completely destroyed. We have aleady been victim to the cruel exploitation,looting, barbarity, of the Punjabi nation. Our national resources have been depleted by them at an incalculably high rate. That is why, here, we make it clear to the entire world that we are already a looted and devastated nation and this state has been dumping in Sindh millions of extremist Punjabis,sawatis, and pakhtoons, who keep on killing our people in Karachi on the vicious guidelines and logistic support of ISI. This rougish of the rouge statehas locked the Urdu speaking sindhi in Karachiin an inflicted warfare with the Taliban-sponsored bonapartist ANP and the Punjab iextremists.
These ISI supported refugees of an inherent extremist social and cultural order of the foreign lands happen to be in millions here in Sindh. On the hand, they are an overwhelming burden on our national economy, on the other, they are supported by ISI to capture and control the coastal belt of Sindh through complete extermination of the Urdu speaking sindhians. They are also trying hard to transform our secular,tolerant, humanist, and sufi social and traditional structure into talibaniztion. All a part from this, they keeps on destroying the balance of our demographic homogeneity at the unbearably high rate while they are continuouslytrying hard to transform us in a minority within our own national geography. That is apparently an attempt of genocide of our nation.
An other aspect of the tragedy should also be noted which is given below. A high engineered cunning project against sindh by the fascist Punjab may well be noted that it has close down the gates of all its flood canal before the very beginning of the disaster and unleashed the hell of super flood towards sindh. A willful criminal aspect tothe imperialist Punjab quite unforgettable. As a matter of fact behind such a heinous crime the fact is that Punjab wanted to create an opinion in the world that there is an uncontrollably abnormal volume of water available in Pakistan,which has been wreaking havoc and to control the situation it should construct dams in Punjab which are actually meant swallow our water.
It has tried to level best of justify the construction of the most horrendous and the most controversial and notorious Kala Bag dam as it has been its most vicious desire to do that. The prime minister of Pakistan Gilani who is actually the representative of the ISI governed Punjabi imperialism has already said in the statement in the media that to control the floods the dam should be constructed in Punjab. This is actually an act of sprinkling salt in the wounds of Sindh.
Dear sir I being the Chairman of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz and the responsible representative of a sindhi nation and of the nationalist movement,hereby, appeal you to take an immediate notice of our woes and forward our voice to the international humanist institution the united nation. The democratic nation of the world i.e United State of America,Britain, Germany,Italy, India, Russia, Israel, Australia, and the conscience of the world so as to help us out by the real and proper humanitarian aid at the grass roots level at this critical moment of natural plus Punjab engineered disasters in our national life , and take a serious notice of the most heinous violation of the human rights of sindhis in the artificial and barbaric boundaries of this state.
I must again include here that we are a nation which believes in civilization democratic values, humanism, and secularism. We once again appeal to the entire world to save us from the highly possible extermination of our national life from the destruction of the flood disaster,Punjabi imperialism, and extremist Islamic terrorism of Taliban and its wildspread in our geography through ISI.
Date, August 14, 2010

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